Blightlord terminators stl stl Hello, I’ve made a funky list for my game nights consisting of Gellerpox and Terminators, since I really enjoyed the fusion and how the gellerpox play with their harassing nature, but I’ve got another box of terminators to build and my hellbrute is separate with a heavy flamer and fist. I run mine as follows: Champion- combi bolter and balesword 2 terminators - combi bolters and axes 1 terminator - flail 1 terminator- blight launcher and axe The axes are a lot more versatile than the sword because of the extra strength and can get the same -ap from their aura of rust ability. US$10. On peut les assembler avec un arsenal varié, le kit comprenant les options d'armes suivantes: - 4 combi-bolters - 3 haches de la peste - 3 pestelames - 1 autocanon Reaper - 1 gerbe-pe Boutique en ligne Imaginaire depuis 1986. 10000+ "chaos terminator" printable 3D Models. Jul 8, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Click to find the best Results for tartaros terminator Models for your 3D Printer. Pretty solid video analysis here. They can be assembled with a fearsome array of wargear, and the kit includes the following weapon options:- 4 combi-bolters- 3 bubotic axes- 3 baleswords- 1 reaper autocannon- 1 plague spewer- 1 blight launcher- Apr 24, 2022 · Sharing and downloading on Cults3D guarantees that designs remain in makers community hands!And not in the hands of the 3D printing or software giants who own the competing platforms and exploit the designs for their own commercial interests. stl Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to mutated suits of Cataphractii armour. They stalk forward with guns blazing, mercilessly mowing down rank after rank of enemy. From single colonies, through vectoriums and sepsis cohorts, right up to the plague companies and the ships of the Plague Fleets, Death Guard Lords hold positions of command throughout the Traitor Legion’s ranks – Lord Felthius, clad in Terminator armour and accompanied by his three-strong Tainted Cohort, is a For an easy pre heresy color scheme do rakarth flesh as the main armor plates and death guard green as the trim, dunk in agrax earthshade and use whatever fun gross colors you want for the fleshy bits and mutations. Jul 10, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. My current list is 14 plague marines, 20 poxwalkers, chaos lord, bloat drone + 2 helbrutes, plaguecaster, 10 cultists and a CSM sorcerer in terminator armor (for access to CSM psychic list, teleporting to support planned blightlord terminator expansion). stl; termi 9. Are the flails pretty much always a no-brainer? Also, would another Plague Spewer be better or perhaps a Blight Launcher? A couple other points: May 21, 2024 · This 3D Printer Files item is sold by Print3DVaultDesigns. May 20, 2024 · Blightlord Terminators. Blightlords just dont really do damage, bolters this edition are kind of sad, and the axes are just ok. In battle, Blightlord Terminators wield a variety of foul weapons such as Baleswords, Flails of Corruption, Bubotic Axes, Combi-Weapons, Reaper Autocannon, Plague Spewer, or Blight Launcher. Jul 12, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Blightlord Terminators bitz feature. They can be assembled with a fearsome array of wargear, and the kit includes the following weapon options: – 4 combi-bolters – 3 bubotic axes – 3 baleswords – 1 reaper autocannon – 1 plague spewer – 1 blight launcher Discover 3D models for 3D printing related to Deathguard. I got 10 blightlord terminators and their loadout is - 6 x axe, combi-bolter - 2 x axe, blightlauncher - 2 flail of corruption I tried to figure out what's their role in this new edition, i have a couple questions like this Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors forever bound to Cataphractii armour. The Blightlord Terminators bitz allows you to give life to your desires or improve your miniatures with Death Guard bits, Warhammer 40k bitz from the BitzStore are exclusively from new boxes. Originally from Blightlord Terminators box of Warhammer 40k miniature game. Every model is equipped with: plague combi-bolter; bubotic blade. Pre-Owned. Each model is optimized for 3D printing, offering exceptional detail and visual fidelity that meets official standards. Malicious Volleys Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit shooting Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply: • The shooting model’s target is within half the weapon’s range. The new Blightlord Terminators kit brings us five very expensive (in dollars and points) models in the classic Cataphractii armor and equipped with an assortment of combi-weapons, plague-infested swords and axes, a few heavy weapon choices 10000+ "thousand sons terminator" printable 3D Models. Discover all 40k bitz for Blightlord Terminators at BitzStore and make your miniatures unique with all the conversion elements available. 62 (1 Achetez Warhammer 40k - Death Guard Blightlord Terminators: Amazon. 07 Looking to 3d print either deathshroud or blightlord terminators, as GW prices are daylight robbery especially on 3 deathshrouds for £35 Archived post. Unerbittlich und unaufhaltsam sind diese Elite-Krieger der Death Guard für immer an mutierte Cataphractii-Muster-Terminator-Rüstungen gebunden. Aug 19, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Today, I'd like to talk about one of my favorite units in the Death Guard; the Blightlord Terminator squad. pdf (Click link to download)Death Guard They can be assembled with a fearsome array of wargear, and the kit includes the following weapon options: - 4 combi-bolters - 3 bubotic axes - 3 baleswords - 1 reaper autocannon - 1 plague spewer - 1 blight launcher - 1 flail of corruption - 1 combi-weapon (with a choice of combi-plasma, combi-flamer or combi-melta) The Blightlord Terminators Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter Plague Surgeon [4 PL, 65pts]: Balesword Tallyman [4 PL, 62pts]: Plasma pistol + Fast Attack + Foetid Bloat 10000+ "blightlord terminators" printable 3D Models. Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to mutated suits of Cataphractii armour. Sword vs. 1 Blightlord Champion 4-9 Blightlord Terminators. stl 72 "blightlord terminatores" printable 3D Models. Avanzano con i combirequiem spianati, falciando impietosamente ranghi su ranghi di nemici. 10000+ "night lords terminator" printable 3D Models. US$11. fr Livraison & retours gratuits possibles (voir conditions) Welcome to /r/lightsabers, the one and only official subreddit dedicated to everything lightsabers. Only 2 terminators shown in photo, but set comes with all 5 pre-built figures Discover 3D models for 3D printing related to Terminators. Compared to Deathshroud which are absolute blenders in melee, have a plague weapon hand flamer, and provide the bodyguard rule, they just arent comparable. Avanzan lentamente sin dejar de disparar, abatiendo sin piedad filas y filas de enemigos. Feb 18, 2025 · This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. On top of that you can have up to one each of the following units: Blightlord Terminators (5 models) Deathshroud Terminators (3 models) Chaos Spawn (2 models) Les Blightlord Terminators sont des guerriers d'élite de la Death Guard implacables et inexorables liés à jamais à leur armure Cataphractii par leurs mutations. New 1920 "blightlord terminators" 3D Models. Aug 4, 2024 · Forever fused with their mutated suits of Cataphractii Armour, Blightlord Terminators combine diseased resilience with the protection and firepower of a standard Terminator. From STL renders to finished products, from hilts to accessories, it can be discussed here. › See more product details Report an issue with this product or seller Blightlord Terminators Instructions Download a Free PDF copy of the Instructions Booklet for How To Build Blightlord Terminators - Warhammer 40'000 (40K). Can be used as Death Guard Deathshroud or Blightlords stl Jan 9, 2025 · This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. stl; Terminator 4. stl Aug 8, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Would you like to support Cults? You like Cults and you want to help us continue the adventure independently?Please note that we are a small team of 3 people, therefore it is very simple to support us to maintain the activity and create future developments. 10000+ "varagyr wolf guard terminators" printable 3D Models. Click to find the best Results for chaos terminators Models for your 3D Printer. Click to find the best Results for deathguard blightlord Models for your 3D Printer. Check out our terminator 40k stl selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. Once assembled, apply a suitable primer spray to the models. Only 2 terminators shown in photo, but set comes with all 5 pre-built figures Terminator 1. Publication date 2024-12-27 at 22:00 Nov 11, 2014 · The next major hurdle to be surmounted was the terminator’s weapons. Due to the amount of time they Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to mutated suits of Cataphractii armour. Click to find the best Results for chaos terminator Models for your 3D Printer. 4. I was wishing that plague cleaver could be used 1 handed by terminators, that was the dream. This will include not only matched play, but free play considerations as well as Games Workshop 99120102074" Death Guard Blightlord Terminators Miniature, Black,12 years to 99 years. Open comment sort options. Parmi un large choix de bitz, vous trouverez diverses armes : combi-bolters, haches de la peste, pestelames, autocanon Reaper, gerbe-peste, lance-peste, fléau de corruption, arme combinée (au choix combi-plasma, combi-lance-flammes ou combi-fuseur). Make sure all parts are properly glued and any mold lines are removed. Click to find the best Results for blightlord terminator stl file Models for your 3D Printer. Oct 11, 2017 · And no unit better exemplifies the trademark inexorable advance than a group of Nurgled-up Terminators. TS scarab occult terminators. I feel like this unit is really misused by a lot of people. Sep 20, 2024 · termi 6. Este kit de plástico A 5 man blightlord unit isn’t much to write home about compared to a 4 man deathshroud unit. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty unboxing and review video below for the full review. They will absolutely shred marines, hordes and even other 3W terminators if you use the strat to let damage spill over. They are (currently; may change with the codex release next year) cheaper than Deathshroud per model with minimum loadouts and still capable of dishing out significant damage in melee or at a range. Die Blightlord Terminatoren werden als 64 Komponenten geliefert und werden mit 5 Citadel-40 mm runden Basen geliefert. Combi-weapons, plague spewers and blight launchers add to the fusilade, reducing infantry and vehicles to slop. Will try a 10man blob with that new shiny Sorc. Publication date 2024-11-30 at 21:52 Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to mutated suits of Cataphractii armour. Only 2 terminators shown in photo, but set comes with all 5 pre-built figures Terminator 2. axe is really a matter of taste, with axes being more popular. stl; Terminator 5. stl; termi 7. Combining the protective powers of Cataphractii war plate with the diseased resilience bestowed by Nurgle's gifts, Blightlord Terminators are terrifyingly hard to kill. zip Terminator 1. Mar 30, 2024 · Покупайте Warhammer 40,000 Death Guard на сайте «Свободный Рынок Миниатюр»: аукцион, магазины, частные объявления. My first unit of 5 has a Plague Spewer, a flail, and a mix of axes and swords. No featured offers available $95. Listed on May 21, 2024 Dec 29, 2024 · This Figurine Statues & Sculptures item is sold by Balloons67560. 000 ™. Click to find the best Results for world eaters terminator Models for your 3D Printer. stl 10000+ "blightlord terminator" printable 3D Models. 1919 "deathguard blightlord terminator" 3D Models. stl I'd recommend the blightlord terminators over the Deathshroud for you. Publication date 2024-05-20 at 14:44 Design number 2007815 Nov 30, 2024 · Guard of Death Marines Blightlord Terminator termi 7. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, -1CP, 175pts]: Hellforged cyclone missile launcher, 2x Twin volkite culverin Jul 22, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. So I need some tips on putting together 2 more Terminator bodies so I can have another full squad Retrouvez ici l'ensemble des bits des Blightlord Terminators pour vos armées Death Guard de Warhammer 40. Click to find the best Results for blightlord terminator Models for your 3D Printer. I have ten of them kitted out with combi-bolters, 2 flails, and 2 blight launchers. stl This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. Immerse yourself in the world of Warhammer 40'000 with this high-quality STL file of Blightlord Terminators, meticulously designed to faithfully reproduce the iconic details of the Chaos faction. But a brick of 8-10 of them is a great way to hold mid field objectives and they’re a fantastic to the last unit. This is not only because of T5 and Disgustingly Resilient - although those are huge helps; instead, it's primarily because of the stratagem: Cloud of Flies. 10000+ "combi weapon" printable 3D Models. The only tactics I really see people talking about are slapping a ton of combi-plasmas into the squad and trying to alpha strike enemy units to death. 2 bids · Time left 8d 16h +$9. Step 1: Assembling and Priming Assemble your Blightlord Terminators as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Discover 3D models for 3D printing related to Blightlord. Have a good time! Aug 2, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Anzahl der Spieler: 32 DE › Dec 27, 2024 · Stinky marine death guardian blightlord terminator termi 7. In battle, they serve as the shock troops of the Death Guard and are present in most warbands of the Traitor Legion. Click to find the best Results for lieutenant with combi weapon Models for your 3D Printer. While more expensive, they have a lot better melee than Blightlords. $2. Since each terminator has 3 wounds, it requires 2 wounds to kill 1 terminator and the extra damage is lost. Tags Death Guard - Blightlord Terminator - Part of a D Text blightlord terminator , chaos , chaos space marines , death guard , nurgle , proxy , Download: free They can be assembled with a fearsome array of wargear, and the kit includes the following weapon options: - 4 combi-bolters - 3 bubotic axes - 3 baleswords - 1 reaper autocannon - 1 plague spewer - 1 blight launcher - 1 flail of corruption - 1 combi-weapon (with a choice of combi-plasma, combi-flamer or combi-melta) The Blightlord Terminators Jun 13, 2023 · A distinctive Lord of Contagion figure equipped with a deadly manreaper, accompanied by three highly resilient Blightlord Terminators and their equally durable leader, capable of annihilating both large groups and select elite enemy units. This was a pretty simple conversion, just requiring me to snip off the Blightkings lower arm and replace it with one of the Cataphractii powerfists. The Blightlord Terminators come as 64 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases. I’m brainstorming how to assemble my second unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. Aug 3, 2020 · Given that 9th edition values durability and staying power over destroying enemy units, blightlord terminators seem like an attractive choice. 1920 "blightlord terminator" 3D Models. T6 which is a breaking point for a lot of weapons. They can actually kill most other armies elite melee options, and can even kill T8 or 7 vehicles. Due to the amount of time they Los Blightlord Terminators son implacables e imparables, guerreros de élite de la Death Guard vinculados para siempre a sus armaduras Cataphractii. To keep with the terminator-heavy theme, I decided that I needed to equip the model with a powerfist. Download your favorite STL files and make them with your 3D printer. Okay so I got à box of blightlord terminators an thus after building them i was left with multiple heads as well with 2 left arms and 4 right arms. Top. stl WARHAMMER 40K - BLIGHTLORD TERMINATORS - DEATH GUARD Ce kit plastique contient les composants nécessaires pour assembler une unité de 5 Blightlord Terminators. **Deathnote**My review of the Death Guard Blightlord Terminators by Games Workshop. I have a box of blightlord Terminators from awhile back and I just picked up the Lord Felthius and the Tainted Cohort box. У нас Вы можете приобрести Blightlord Terminators по одной из лучших цен и без компромиссов по качеству! Blightlord Terminators sind eine Eliteformation von Chaos Terminators, die ausschließlich in den Reihen der Death Guard Traitor Legion eingesetzt werden. stl; Learn more about the formats. Flails are the only must-take. I've gone ahead and read a bunch of posts asking about terminators, and I've come to the conclusion that Blightlords could just be proxied as Custodes or normal plague marines. A grey or black primer is commonly used for Death Guard models. Feel free to post anything regarding lightsabers, be it a sink tube or a camera flashgun. 72. Click to find the best Results for terminator weapons Models for your 3D Printer. 79 "pusgoyle blightlords" printable 3D Models. Tags Death Guard - Blightlord Terminator - Part of a D Text blightlord terminator , chaos , chaos space marines , death guard , nurgle , proxy , Download: free Jul 18, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. They stalk forward with combi-bolters blazing, mercilessly mowing down rank after rank of the enemy. 57 I'm about to put together my bllightlord terminator squad, and Im curious what more experienced players think the best/most flexible build for them in 10th edition is. Have a good time! Check out our blightlord stl selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. Apr 1, 2024 · 5 blightlord terminator figures. Plague spewers and blight launchers add to the fusilade, reducing infantry to slop The Blight Shroud Terminators are old and wear the Saturnus-Pattern Armor, but are now corrupted by the lord death and decay. The Blightlord Terminators are available now online and in local Games Workshop stores. These are full models as one piece. Opens in a new window or tab. Some common choices I like with Blightlord terminators are foul blightspawn and a demon prince to fill a vanguard detachment, Lord discordants for more mobile hitting power, The purge Derderdeo dreadnoughts for long range fire support, and/or a chaos knight. Due to the amount of time they 3D Printed Blightlord (x10) and Deathshroud (x3)Terminators Printed on Ender 3 Pro Modeling Share Sort by: Top. stl; Terminator 2. Click to find the best Results for pusgoyle blightlords Models for your 3D Printer. 10000+ "chaos terminators" printable 3D Models. 19 TS dust rubric marines. 10000+ "terminator death guard" printable 3D Models. Click to find the best Results for thousand sons terminator Models for your 3D Printer. Price £35Enjoy Blightlord terminator still suck as they are too expensive and the combo itself require huge investment. [2] Leaders of Blightlord Terminator squadrons are called Blightlord Champions . Click to find the best Results for deathguard blightlord terminator Models for your 3D Printer. Aus Kombiboltern feuernd rücken sie vor und mähen ohne Gnade Reihe um Reihe der gegnerischen Armee nieder. They can be assembled with a fearsome array of wargear, and the kit includes the following weapon options: - 4 combi-bolters - 3 bubotic axes - 3 baleswords - 1 reaper autocannon - 1 plague spewer - 1 blight launcher - 1 flail of corruption Apr 15, 2024 · Покупайте Warhammer 40,000 Death Guard на сайте «Свободный Рынок Миниатюр»: аукцион, магазины, частные объявления. Mainly I'm looking at them to fill the role of anti-tank or anti-Knight for Death Guard. Click to find the best Results for terminator death guard Models for your 3D Printer. All available Death Guard Blightlord Terminators bits are from new Warhammer 40k Games Workshop miniature boxes. stl Aug 15, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Click to find the best Results for varagyr wolf guard terminators Models for your 3D Printer. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Download Options (2): Blightlord Terminators ALT. I Blightlord Terminators sono implacabili e inarrestabili, guerrieri d'élite della Death Guard fusi per sempre alla propria armatura Cataphractii. Aug 4, 2024 · Blightlord Terminators are the elite Chaos Terminators of the Death Guard. Listed on Dec 29, 2024 Aug 4, 2024 · Blightlord Terminators are the elite Chaos Terminators of the Death Guard. 286 "deathguard blightlord" printable 3D Models. Click to find the best Results for blightlord terminators Models for your 3D Printer. Many and varied are the diseased champions who lead the Death Guard to war. They were designed and sculpted by the free-blade artist, KarnageKing . Best. Wahapedia: Warhammer 40,000 10th edition, Death Guard — Blightlord Terminators (unit characteristics, wargear options, wargear profiles, abilities, unit composition Oct 2, 2017 · The Blightlord Terminators come as 64 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases. Buffing them with putrescent vitality makes the. 10000+ "blightlord terminator stl file" printable 3D Models. … (7592) Blightlord Terminators Death Guard Chaos Space Marines 40k 30k Warhammer. 10000+ "tartaros terminator" printable 3D Models. Купить игры Death Guard с доставкой по всей России. Yeah between my last message and this one, I ordered a Sorc in Terminator Armor and another box of Blightlord Terminators 🤭. Tags Death Guard - Blightlord Terminator - Part of a D Aug 7, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Click to find the best Results for blightlord terminatores Models for your 3D Printer. stl Id say Deathshroud. Death Guard Blightlord Terminators ; Dieses mehrteilige Kunststoff-Set enthält die Komponenten, die notwendig sind, um eine Einheit von 5 Blightlord Terminatoren zusammenzubauen. A sword on the champion offers you an opportunity to throw in the Plaguebringer relic which might be nice at times, offering some extra D2 hits. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Nov 2, 2019 · Although Terminators in general are a bit pants in 8th edition, it is unambiguously the case that Blightlord Terminators are the best around. Full Assembly Instructions and step-by-step user guide for how to build Blightlord Terminators, available in PDF format as a Free Digital Download. Aug 26, 2024 · The real stand-out here is the Terminator Sorcerer, who brings a fantastic ranged weapon to the table and clocks in at only 70 points, helping you fit everything you want into a list. 10000+ "world eaters terminator" printable 3D Models. Suitable for miniatures in 28mm scale. Mar 26, 2021 · Welcome to the Unit of the Week Series! Each week a different unit will be highlighted for discussion until we have amalgamated a full list of our available options and their relevant tactics as 9th edition evolves. Have a good time! Jun 11, 2024 · Blightlord terminator figures. Also you're totally right that DG is hard up for solid anti-vehicle which is why it's so surprising and concerning that their terminator option has been stripped of all the standard issue anti-tank melee options normally available to terminators. this means it would only kill 7 terminators and wound an 8th. Check out our blightlord terminators selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. I thought using the blightkings to make the others blightlords to make a unit of 10 but their armor lacks the sort of half overhead armor thing so i have some doubts so did anyone saw something of Feb 14, 2025 · Blightlord Terminators sind unnachgiebig und unaufhaltsam, elitäre Krieger der Death Guard, die für immer an ihre Cataphractii-Rüstung gebunden sind. Resplendent in their cracked, rotting Cataphractii shells, they are bursting with squirming tentacles, covered all over with pustulent signs of Nurgle's gifts: spikes, boils, grinning toothed maws and vile respirators all feature heavily. stl; termi 8. Resplendent in their cracked, rotting Cataphractii shells, they are bursting with squirming tentacles, covered all over with pustulent signs of Nurgle’s gifts: spikes, boils, grinning toothed maws and vile respirators all feature heavily. Terminators would roll on their invul saving and average of 15 wounds, with 15 wounds going through at 2 damage each (-1 damage for DR). 10000+ "lieutenant with combi weapon" printable 3D Models. Blightlord Terminators Just getting into Kill Team, and I've been putting together a Death Guard team. Sep 10, 2023 · How to paint the Blightlord Terminators set. 8 out of 5 stars. Forever fused with their mutated suits of Cataphractii Armour, Blightlord Terminators combine diseased resilience with the protection and firepower of a standard Terminator. Combiarmas, regurgitadores de plaga y lanzaplagas apoyan sus andanadas, reduciendo infantería y vehículos a limo y metal oxidado. 10000+ "blightlord terminators" printable 3D Models. That why i flaired this post as Casual play, because BLT doesnt good in competitive play Share Add a Comment Aug 4, 2024 · Blightlord Terminators are the elite Chaos Terminators of the Death Guard. And on the Blightlord note, I think it would look a bit better to make them from Space Marine Cataphractii terminators, as that's the pattern the Blightlords all canonically wear, and it will look better with the other terminators as it's more blocky rather than the CSM terminator rounded stuff. Blightlord Terminators sind unnachgiebig und unaufhaltsam, elitäre Krieger der Death Guard, die für immer an ihre Cataphractii-Rüstung gebunden sind. stl; Terminator 3. . Ships from United States. 290. Blightlord Terminator - Part of a D Tags STL files of Terminator T-800 for Jan 20, 2025 · By the time the Blightlord Terminators stomp on in search of new victims, nothing remains of their enemies but maggot-riddled corpses. Click to find the best Results for combi weapon Models for your 3D Printer. Reply reply Sep 30, 2017 · The Blightlord Terminators come as 64 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases. vbjl pfxa eyq aixo pwy jzz doq hclf olngxpqh ozeb szfoae wvbmb pfovl rqrenl dqm